What is Black Forest Cake Called in Germany?

Black Forest Cake is a favorite dessert around the world. But what is Black Forest Cake called in Germany? In Germany, where the cake originated, it has a more specific name: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. This name, translating to Black Forest Cherry Cake, shows its connection to German culture, particularly to the Black Forest region. The cake is well known for its key ingredients, including sour cherries and kirschwasser (cherry brandy). These ingredients are essential to understanding what Black Forest Cake is called in Germany and how it reflects the country’s rich traditions.

The Origins of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

To understand what Black Forest Cake is called in Germany, it’s important to look at its origins in the Black Forest region of southwest Germany. This area is known for its cherry orchards and production of kirschwasser. The name, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, or “Black Forest Cherry Torte,” emphasizes the significance of local ingredients, especially the cherries and cherry brandy. Today, people around the world enjoy this famous cake, but many are unaware of what Black Forest Cake is called in Germany and its cultural background.

The exact origin of the cake is still debated. Some say Josef Keller, a pastry chef, created the first Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte in 1915. Others believe the cake developed over time as cherries, chocolate, and kirschwasser became more available. No matter how it started, by the 1930s, the cake had gained national popularity in Germany. Soon, it became a global sensation.

For more on the role of cherries in Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, check out this article. It explains how cherries give the cake its distinct flavor.

The Meaning Behind the Name

The name Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte tells us a lot about the cake. Schwarzwälder refers to the Black Forest region, which is famous not only for its beautiful trees but also for its fertile farmland. The sour cherries and kirschwasser from this region are key to the cake’s authentic flavor. The word “Kirschtorte” means “cherry torte,” which highlights the importance of cherries in balancing the cake’s flavors.

In many parts of the world, people call it simply Black Forest Cake. While this shorter name is common, it leaves out the importance of cherries and kirschwasser. In Germany, the full name reflects how essential these ingredients are. The name Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte honors the cake’s origin and its ties to local ingredients.

Traditional Ingredients

An authentic Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte uses ingredients that represent the Black Forest’s flavors. Each element adds something unique, from the chocolate sponge to the cherries. The main ingredients are:

  • Chocolate sponge cake: The base of the cake is a light but rich chocolate sponge. It works well with the sweetness of the cream and the tartness of the cherries.
  • Whipped cream: Thick layers of whipped cream fill the space between the sponge cake layers. The cream gives the cake a soft, smooth texture that balances the chocolate.
  • Sour cherries: These tart cherries, often from the Black Forest, add a fruity and tangy flavor to the cake.
  • Kirschwasser: This clear cherry brandy defines Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte. It moistens the sponge cake and gives it a slight bitterness.
  • Chocolate shavings: The cake is topped with dark chocolate shavings or curls. This adds texture and enhances its appearance.
  • Maraschino cherries: Bright maraschino cherries decorate the top, providing a nice contrast to the dark chocolate.

For another chocolate-rich treat, try Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. Like Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, they balance sweetness with chocolate’s richness.

The Evolution of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

While the traditional recipe is still popular in Germany, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte has evolved in other parts of the world. International versions of the cake often reflect local tastes and available ingredients. Some of the most common changes include:

  • Non-alcoholic versions: Many people replace the kirschwasser with cherry syrup. This makes the cake suitable for children and those who don’t consume alcohol.
  • Using different fruits: Though sour cherries are key in the original, some versions use sweet cherries. Others experiment with raspberries or strawberries for a different twist.
  • Different sponge cakes: Some international recipes use a denser or sweeter chocolate cake. This is in contrast to the light sponge used in the German recipe.

Despite these changes, the essence of the cake remains intact. If you want to know more about what makes this cake special, read this article on Black Forest Cake.

Why Is It Sometimes Called “Gateau”?

In some English-speaking countries, people refer to Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte as Black Forest Gateau. This reflects French culinary influence. In French, the word “gateau” means cake. However, it often refers to a multi-layered and elaborate dessert, which perfectly describes Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte.

Although “gateau” is common in places like the UK and the U.S., the recipe often differs from the German version. For example, some recipes use sweet cherries instead of sour ones. Others simplify the layers of sponge cake and cream.

For more examples of regional dessert names, check out this article on Russian Cheesecake Bars. It explores another trend in naming foods.

Cultural Importance in Germany

In Germany, Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte is more than just a cake. It represents regional pride and tradition. Families often serve this cake at special occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and holidays. Many German families have recipes that have been passed down through generations.

One reason the cake is so special is its use of local ingredients. Bakers often source cherries, kirschwasser, and whipped cream from the Black Forest region. This connection to local ingredients makes the cake even more meaningful. It’s not just a dessert; it’s a reflection of the Black Forest’s agricultural and culinary traditions.

If you enjoy regional recipes that highlight local ingredients, try reading about Pineapple Carrot Quick Bread. It also emphasizes fresh, local produce in baking.

Variations Around the World

As the cake became more popular, bakers worldwide began adapting it to local tastes. Some of the most common changes include:

  • Non-alcoholic versions: In some regions, kirschwasser is replaced with cherry syrup. This makes the cake more suitable for children and non-drinkers.
  • Different fruits: While sour cherries are key to the original, some variations use other fruits like strawberries or raspberries. This adds a new twist to the cake.
  • Simplified recipes: In some cases, bakers use pre-made sponge cake or whipped topping to make the recipe faster and easier.

If you want to experiment with fruit-based desserts, try Homemade Strawberry Shortcake Ice Cream. It’s another fruit-filled dessert with fresh flavors.

How to Make Authentic Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

Want to bring the authentic taste of Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte to your kitchen? Follow this step-by-step guide to make this famous German dessert.

This recipe sticks closely to the traditional method used in Germany.


  • 6 large eggs
  • 150g sugar
  • 120g all-purpose flour
  • 30g cocoa powder
  • 600ml heavy cream
  • 500g sour cherries (fresh or jarred)
  • 100ml kirschwasser
  • 150g dark chocolate (for shavings or curls)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Maraschino cherries for decoration


  1. Make the Chocolate Sponge Cake:
    • Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).
    • Separate the egg whites from the yolks. In one bowl, beat the egg whites with half of the sugar until stiff peaks form. In another bowl, beat the egg yolks with the remaining sugar until light and fluffy.
    • Sift the flour and cocoa powder together, then gently fold the dry ingredients into the egg yolk mixture. Fold in the beaten egg whites last, making sure to keep the batter airy.
    • Pour the batter into a round cake pan. Bake for 30–35 minutes. Let the sponge cake cool completely before cutting it into three layers.
  2. Prepare the Cherry Filling:
    • Drain the sour cherries, saving some of the juice. In a saucepan, heat the cherry juice with a tablespoon of sugar and 50ml of kirschwasser. Add the cherries and cook for a few minutes until they soften slightly.
    • Set the cherries aside to cool.
  3. Whip the Cream:
    • In a large bowl, beat the heavy cream with the vanilla extract and a tablespoon of sugar until stiff peaks form. If desired, add a splash of kirschwasser to enhance the flavor.
  4. Assemble the Cake:
    • Place one layer of sponge cake on a serving plate. Brush the cake with kirschwasser or cherry juice to keep it moist. Spread a layer of whipped cream over the cake, followed by a layer of cherries. Repeat the process with the remaining layers of cake.
    • Cover the entire cake with whipped cream. Decorate the top with dark chocolate shavings and maraschino cherries.

For more baking tips, visit this guide on cookies. It offers helpful advice on knowing when your baked goods are ready.

FAQs About Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte

What Does Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte Mean in English?

Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte translates to “Black Forest Cherry Cake.” The name refers to both the cake’s origin in Germany and the cherries used in the recipe.

Why Does Black Forest Cake Have Cherries?

Cherries are a key ingredient because they are native to the Black Forest. They add a tart contrast to the sweet whipped cream and rich chocolate.

Can I Make Black Forest Cake Without Alcohol?

Yes! Many people use cherry syrup or juice instead of kirschwasser to make a non-alcoholic version of the cake.

Is Black Forest Cake from the Black Forest?

Yes, the cake comes from the Black Forest region in southwest Germany. The cherries and kirschwasser are produced in this area, giving the cake its unique flavor.


Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte is more than just a dessert; it is a symbol of the Black Forest’s cultural and culinary traditions. The cake’s combination of chocolate sponge, whipped cream, cherries, and kirschwasser creates a distinctive and unforgettable taste. Whether you follow the traditional recipe or experiment with new variations, this cake is sure to be a hit at any celebration.

For more dessert inspiration, check out related recipes like Raspberry Cheesecake Bars or Strawberry Shortcake Crunch. Both are delicious options that offer unique takes on classic flavors.

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